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Best of Information Technology exam Questions and answers 2023


Information Technology exam

This questions are taken for Information Technology exam of class 10. Information Technology(402) is vocational subject of CBSE class 10. This subject is a good marks scoring subject. The CBSE website contains the details of the subject in this link. The subject has two exams from CBSE board-1. Theory of 50 marks and 2. Practical of 50 marks. The students who are not able to cope up with subject Mathematics basic or standard , they can get good marks from the subject Information Technology(402).  The student materials for this subject is designed with IT , English communication skill and green skill which also give them more strength for their future career. has standardized few questions of Information Technology(402).  Best of Information Technology exam Questions and answers 2022 are given below:

1. A student completes his work only when his parents remind him and force him to do so. The student
lacks ……………………… .
(a) Self-discipline
(b) Self-awareness
(c) Self-motivation
(d) Self-regulation

2. Which of these are stress management techniques?
(a) Exercise
(b) Yoga
(c) Meditation
(d) All of these

3. Programs like …………………… and …………………… offer real-time security and monitor your computer for any changes made by malware software.(a) Cookies
(b) Antivirus
(c) Antispyware
(d) Both (b) and (c)

4. ……………………… is an important function of Entrepreneur.
(a) Decision-making
(b) Creating Jobs and Employment Opportunities
(c) Drawing Salary
(d) Both (a) and (b)

5. Backspace key is used to remove typed text on the ……………………… _ide of the cursor.
(a) Physical                     (b) Right
(c) Both (a) and (b)         (d) None of these

6. If a teacher opens and manages their coaching centre, it is considered as ……………………… .
(a) Business                         (b) Selling
(c) Wage employment        (d) Self-employment

7. Shantanu is typing contents directly into the table and modifying the data in Open Office Base. In which view is he working?

(a) Datasheet View       (b) Design Query
(c) Wizard                      (d) Design View

8. ……………………… is designed to help users with auditory impairment.
(a) Toggle Keys       (b) Filter Keys
(c) Sound Sentry    (d) Shift Keys

9. Priyam wants to sort the marks scored by students in descending order. Although he remembers the ‘Order By’ command, he forgets the keyword used with it to get the desired result. Give that keyword.
(a) asc          (b) desc
(c) reverse  (d) describe

10. While performing a Mail Merge task, the first step is to create a ……………………… .
(a) Data Source                 (b) Main Document
(c) Merge Document       (d) New Document

11. Amit, a class 12 student, wants his project name to appear in the middle of the document. Which feature should he use to accomplish this?
(a) Template (b) Automatic (c) Style (d) Watermark

12. Jeetu is working on two spreadsheets placed in the same folder linked to each other and then moves the entire folder to a new location. In that case, a relative hyperlink ……………………… .
(a) Will not work (b) Will always work
(c) May work (d) May not work

13. ABC University has shifted the study centre of BCA students from “Surat” to “Ahmedabad”. Give the command to update the name of the study centre in the table “Candidates”.
(a) Update Candidates set study_centre=” Ahmedabad” where study_centre=“Surat”;
(b) Modify Candidates set study_centre=” Ahmedabad” where study_centre=“Surat”;
(c) Modify Candidates replace study_centre=” Ahmedabad” with study_centre=“Surat”;
(d) Update Candidates change study_centre=” Ahmedabad”;

14. ……………………… is an accessibility function specially designed for people who have vision impairment or cognitive disabilities.
(a) Serial keys           (b) Filter keys
(c) Toggle keys         (d) Special keys

15. Name the relationship in which one record in one table can be associated with one or more records in
another table.
(a) One-to-one         (b) One-to-many
(c) Many-to-many   (d) Multiple

16. Manjit owns a bakery. He makes a monthly profit of Rs. 6,000 by selling 1,000 packets of biscuits. When the cost of raw materials rises, he decides to increase the price of biscuit packets to maintain his profit margin. Which method should he use to attain this?
(a) Consolidating Data       (b) Goal Seek
(c) Subtotals                        (d) Cell Reference

17. Which accessibility option tells the keyboard to ignore brief or repeated keystrokes?
(a) Filter keys     (b) Toggle keys
(c) Mouse keys   (d) Serial keys

18. Which of the following is/are advantage(s) of a database?
(a) Data Sharing                             (b) Enforcement of Standards
(c) Enhanced Data Security         (d) All of these

19. Subtotal feature is present under which menu?
(a) Edit        (b) Tools
(c) Data       (d) Insert

20. Name the central device that connects all devices to the network.
(a) Bridge          (b) Switch
(c) Hub              (d) Router

21. The ……………………… section allows all settings to be customized to help a disabled person.
(a) Serial key            (b) Start
(c) Filter key             (d) Ease of Access Center

22. The ……………………… property allows the user to specify an alternative name for any field.
(a) Default         (b) Alias
(c) Format         (d) Edit

23. Which command is used to retrieve the records from the table in a database?
(a) Update          (b) Modify
(c) Select            (d) Alter

24. ……………………… is a named collection of various formatting features that defines the looks and
behaviour of document components associated with it.
(a) Templates              (b) Style
(c) Table of Contents (d) Mail Merge

25. ……………………… are used to display the summarized data in a printable format.
(a) Reports                (b) Forms
(c) Queries                (d) Wizard

26. ……………………… styles affect selected text within a paragraph, such as the font and size of text or bold and italic formats.
(a) Character        (b) Paragraph
(c) Lists                 (d) Page

27. Name the device that converts a digital signal to an analog signal and vice versa.
(a) Router          (b) Modem
(c) Gateway       (d) Network

28. Which of the following options is not available in the final step under Create Table through table wizard?
(a) Insert data immediately    (b) Modify the table design
(c) Create report                      (d) Create a form based on this table

29. The ……………………… are dedicated computers which hold the actual database and run the related
database software.
(a) Tables                    (b) Query
(c) Database servers (d) Client program

30. A ……………………… is a saved sequence of commands or keystrokes that are stored for later use.
(a) Program         (b) File
(c) Macro             (d) Formula

31. Pragya wants to know which of the following refers to your knowledge and understanding about yourself, your emotions, beliefs, values, biases, knowledge, abilities, motivation, interests, etc.
(a) Self-dedication           (b) Self-motivation
(c) Self-awareness           (d) Self-indication

32. Rajat wants to know the method used to change the name of an existing file or folder. Help him identify the method out of the following.
(a) Create      (b) Rename
(c) Copy        (d) Change

33. Joy y buys bulbs for her business from Kanpur. She later discovers that bulbs are cheaper in Bareilly. So she starts buying them from Bareilly. What action is described here?
(a) Makes Decision            (b) Divides Income
(c) Manages the Business (d) Takes Risk

34. Positive impact of entrepreneurship on society—
(a) Contributes to Economic Growth   (b) Encourages Welfare of Society
(c) Solves problems of society                (d) All of these

35. High expectations from oneself can lead to chronic anxiety which can further lead to ………………………stress.
(a) Physical         (b) Emotional
(c) Mental           (d) Financial

36. Ishita is a bank employee dealing with thousands of customer records and data every day. Identify the measure she should adopt to protect her computer from threats and viruses so that there is no risk of any data loss.

(a) Share passwords with friends              (b) Allow anyone to use her device
(c) Use Antivirus                                           (d) Leave her computer without logging out

37. Rashi wants to insert an image in a document. Help her find various ways to do it.
(a) By inserting an image stored on your computer
(b) By copying and pasting from a source being viewed on your computer
(c) By dragging images from the clip art gallery
(d) All of these

38. Arun, a DTP Operator in a publishing house, created a ToC (Table of Contents) for a book but forgot to add proper heading levels. He now wants to delete it. To delete ToC, he has to right click and select
……………………… from the insert menu.
(a) Maintain Index         (b) Update Index
(c) Delete Index             (d) Drop Index

39. Suppose you own a stationery shop and need to keep a detailed record of the items available in your shop. You also need to store information about pricing, stock levels for reordering, old stocks, etc., in a database program. Which of the following database programs will you use to organize the data as per your business need?
(a) Open Office Base & Writer           (b) Open Office Base & MySQL
(c) MS Access & Excel                         (d) Open Office Writer & Calc

40. Ajay wants to create a table in Open Office Base. He wants to set the field properties during the
creation of the table. Help him identify suitable field properties for the following task. Which property will help get auto-numeric values?
(a) Cell Reference             (b) Sheet Reference
(c) Autofill                         (d) Default

41. Raman and Suman want to start an IT blog where they can share their knowledge about computers and technology with others. Which of the following online website or platforms can they use to create their blog?
(a) Canva           (b) WordPress(c) Qumana       (d) None of these

42. Which property, if set to yes, requires that the value must be inserted into the field?
(a) Entry Required            (b) Size
(c) Default Value              (d) Length

43. Which is the correct step in Calc if we want to review edited versions of multiple reviewers at once?
(a) Edit → Changes → Merge document
(b) Edit → Changes → Compare
(c) Edit → Changes → Reject
(d) Edit → Changes → Comment

44. ) If we want to know at what interest rate we can borrow a loan of 50,000,000 that must be repaid in 20 years with a monthly instalment of 50,000, which feature of Spreadsheet will be used to calculate the interest rate?
(a) Multiple Operations          (b) Macro
(c) Goal Seek                            (d) Hyperlink

45. ……………………… deals with equations with multiple unknown variables.
(a) Goal Seek          (b) Scenario
(c) Solver                (d) Subtotal

46. The ……………………… section allows all settings to be customized to help the disabled.
(a) Serial Key            (b) Start
(c) Filter Key            (d) Ease of Access Center

47.  While consolidating data, we are continually working with the same range of cells. We should, therefore, assign ……………………… instead of using cell references.
(a) Range name             (b) Hyperlinks
(c) Cut                            (d) Group

48. In ……………………… option, entering a value into a field becomes mandatory and the field cannot be left blank.
(a) Format         (b) Length
(c) Default         (d) Entry Required

49. A ……………………… is a model that is used to create other documents.
(a) Template           (b) Document
(c) Design              (d) Copy Paste

50. IM (Instant Messaging) software are broadly classified into ……………………… -based and ………………………-based IM services
(a) Application, Web           (b) Security, Web
(c) Application, Security    (d) Text, Sound

51.  Scenarios are a tool to test ……………………… questions.
(a) Auto (b) Goal Seek

(c) What-if (d) Drop-down

52. Nakul has created a worksheet in which he has added all of his employees’ details. He wants each
employee to review the worksheet and update their address and phone number, if required. He also
wants to know what changes his employees have made. Which Spreadsheet function should he enable to see the changes made by his employees?
(a) Macro                             (b) Link Workbook
(c) Change Worksheet       (d) Track Changes

53. Akshay wants to store huge amounts of information about his firm in a database. Which type of table organization would be most suitable for this purpose?
(a) Relational                                        (b) Flat File
(c) Either Relational or Flat file         (d) Hierarchical

54. Rekha is a Chartered Accountant. She used to regularly update the accounts in a spreadsheet. She needs to follow a number of steps repeatedly. Can you suggest her spreadsheet feature through which she can perform these tasks quickly without repeating the steps?
(a) Record Changes              (b) Track Changes
(c) Goal Seek                          (d) Using Macros

55. ) Which of the following refers to reducing the duplicate values in a table?
(a) Data Redundancy             (b) Data Integrity
(c) Data Security                    (d) Data Consistency

56. Which of the following options allows you to add styles from another document?
(a) New from selection            (b) Update Style
(c) Load Style                            (d) Fill Format

57. The default extension of OO writer template is—
(a) .odt          (b) .ott
(c) .oot          (d) .dot

58. The ……………………… refers to a collection of data and information in an organized manner.
(a) Database   (b) Table
(c) Query        (d) Form

59. Which of the following file(s) are database types?
(a) Only Flat File               (b) Flat File and Relational
(c) Only Relational           (d) Flat File, CSV and Relational

60. Which of the following columns allows selecting data type for your column in table design?
(a) Field Name          (b) Field Type
(c) Description         (d) Field Properties

Apart from above questions and answers, the following links contains more MCQ for CBSE Class 10th Information Technology (IT).

Link 1:Class 10 Information Technology (402) MCQ 

Link 2: Networking Fundamentals CBSE Class 10 IT 402 Notes

Link 3: Green Skills Questions and answers for CBSE class 10 Information Technology

You can access more MCQs of Information Technology exam in the given link:- IT class 10 MCQ 

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