Communication Skills question answer of class 10 IT 402
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Best Latest MCQ Of CLASS 10 IT 402 Communication Skills


Communication Skills Class 10 questions and answers of IT (402)

What is Communication?

The Communication is one of the most fundamental needs of human beings. Communication is the conveying of message by exchanging thoughts or information via speech, talk, visuals, signals, writing messages or behaviour.The communication requires a sender, a message, and a recipient.

Sender is the person who wants to convey the message. The process of converting the message to be transmitted into symbols is called encoding.
Receiver is the person who receives the message or for whom the message is passed.

Types of communication Skills

There are several types of communication skills that are important for effective communication in various contexts. Here are some examples:

  • Verbal communication: Verbal communication refers to the use of spoken words to convey a message. It includes speaking clearly, using appropriate tone and pitch, and choosing the right words.
  • Nonverbal communication: Nonverbal communication includes body language, facial expressions, gestures, and eye contact. It can convey emotions, attitudes, and intentions.
  • Written communication: Written communication refers to any form of written communication, including emails, letters, reports, and memos. It requires clarity, organization, and good writing skills.
  • Active listening: Active listening involves listening to others with full attention and without interruption. It requires the ability to understand, remember, and respond appropriately to what the other person is saying.
  • Emotional intelligence: Emotional intelligence refers to the ability to recognize and manage one’s own emotions and the emotions of others. It involves empathy, self-awareness, and effective communication skills.
  • Interpersonal communication: Interpersonal communication involves communication between individuals in personal or professional relationships. It includes skills such as conflict resolution, assertiveness, and negotiation.

How to study communication Skills (Class 10 IT )?

Studying communication skills involves developing your ability to express yourself effectively, listen actively, and engage in meaningful conversations. Here are some tips to help you study communication skills:

  1. Read chapters on communication: There are numerous books on communication that can help you develop your skills. Look for books that cover different aspects of communication such as verbal and nonverbal communication, active listening, and effective speaking.
  2. Attend extra classes: Attending workshops/ extra classes can be a great way to learn communication skills. Look for courses that focus on communication skills or soft skills development.
  3. Practice active listening: Active listening is an essential communication skill. Practice listening without interrupting and show that you understand what the other person is saying by summarizing or paraphrasing.
  4. Practice speaking: Practice speaking in front of a mirror or with a friend. Work on your tone, pace, and clarity of speech.
  5. Observe and learn: Observe how effective communicators interact and learn from them. Pay attention to their body language, tone of voice, and choice of words.
  6. Seek feedback: Seek feedback from others on your communication skills. Ask for suggestions on how you can improve and be open to constructive criticism.
  7. Remember that effective communication is a skill that requires practice and persistence. Keep working on your communication skills, and you will see improvement over time.

Key points of communication Skills (Class 10 IT )?

Effective communication is essential for success in personal and professional relationships. Here are some key points to keep in mind when developing communication skills:

  1. Clear and concise messaging: Your message should be clear and concise. Avoid using jargon or technical terms that the other person may not understand. Be direct and to the point.
  2. Active listening: Listening is a critical aspect of communication. Practice active listening by paying attention to what the other person is saying, asking clarifying questions, and providing feedback.
  3. Nonverbal communication: Nonverbal communication, such as body language and facial expressions, can convey a lot of information. Be aware of your own nonverbal cues and the nonverbal cues of others.
  4. Empathy and understanding: Empathy and understanding are important in building rapport and trust with others. Try to put yourself in the other person’s shoes and consider their perspective.
  5. Respect and professionalism: Respect and professionalism are key to effective communication. Be courteous and professional in your interactions with others, and avoid using offensive or derogatory language.

25 questions and answers are given below.
Interested visitors can do it as an exam to check the IQ on CBSE CLASS X IT 402 Communication Skills.


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