cbse sample paper 2021 class 10 information technology (code 402 with solutions)
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CBSE Sample Paper 2022 Class 10 Term 2 Information Technology(402)


CBSE Sample Paper 2022 Class 10 Term 2 Information Technology(402)

cbse sample paper 2021 class 10 information technology (code 402 with solutions)

Sample Questions of Information Technology(402)

Q1. Give any one quality of a successful entrepreneur.

Ans: 1. Creativity: No innovation is possible without creativity. Entrepreneurs usually work on ideas for new creativity.
2. Passion: Entrepreneurs are always enjoyed what they are doing. they stay highly motivated with passion. Passion acts as a driving force towards success.

Q2. What is Entrepreneurship?

Ans: Entrepreneurship is the process of developing a business plan, launching and running a business using innovation to meet customer needs and to make a profit.

Q3. Name the term used for a false belief or opinion about something.
Ans: Myth

Q4. Give anyone practice / sustainable process that is being used to help preserve the

Ans:  A) Organic farming , B) Vermicomposting

Q5 : Give an example of large scale production of solar power in India
Ans:- Charanka – Gujarat Solar Park

Q6. Explain any two functions of an entrepreneur.

  • 1. Decision-making,
  • 2. Risk-taking,
  • 3. Size and scale of the business unit. and
  • 4. New inventions.


Q7. “Reduced Inequalities” is one of the Sustainable development goals set by the UN. Give any two ways to reduce inequalities.

Ans: –

  • 1. Increase the minimum wage.
  • 2. Expand the Earned Income Tax.
  • 3. Build assets for working families.
  • 4. Make the tax code more progressive.

Q8. Name the device that converts the digital signal to analog that can travel over phone lines.
Ans:–  Modem

Q9. Write the types of modem.

    • a. Internal Modem


  • b. External Modem

Q10. Which key is an accessibility function which is designed for people who have vision impairment or cognitive disabilities?


______________ key is an accessibility function which is designed for people who have vision impairment or cognitive disabilities.

Ans:– Toggle Keys

Q11. Networks in which certain computers have special dedicated tasks, providing services to other computers (in the network) are called ___________________________ networks.


Ans: client-server

Q12. Mention any two integer data types of a table field in the database.



Q13. Name the relationship in which one column of the primary key table is associated with
all the columns of the associated table and vice versa.

Ans:– One to Many relationship.

Q14. Define Reports of a database.
Ans:- Reports are the formatted result that contains useful data for decision-making and analysis generated database queries.

Q15. List any 4 advantages associated with networking.


  • 1. Ease of accessibility:- The modern networks are easy to explore and also flexible to work.
  • 2. Resource sharing: – Any kind of resources like text, image, audio or video are easy to share on networks. Sharing reduces the cost and time for us.
  • 3. Security:- Computer networks are built with security and the security is maintained via Authorization.
    Authorization uses user id and password before access of any resources.
  • 4. Data Storage:- Any organization love to store the data in a secure place and which is a ‘Server’ for the network.

The server is capable to store huge amounts of data in the network.


Q16. List any 4 disadvantages associated with networking.

  • 1. Spread of computer virus:-We knows that computers in a network are interconnected because of this inter-connection the virus spread on networks.
  • 2. If network bandwidth is low, it becomes unusable and difficult to perform the job.
  • 3. If the server fails, it is difficult to get the data from server.
  • 4. Computer viruses are spread through internet if proper precaution is not taken.

Q.17. What is a network?
Ans:– A computer network is an interconnection among
two or more computers or computing devices. 


Q18. What is a switch?
Ans: A switch is a networking device used to connect multiple computers or communicating devices.

Q19. What is a router?
Ans:- A router is a network device that can receive the
data, analyse it and transmit it to other networks.


Q20. What is an IP address?
Ans:-  IP address, also known as Internet Protocol address, is a unique address that can be used to uniquely identify each node in a network.

Q21. What is WWW?

Ans: – The World Wide Web (WWW) or web in short, is an ocean of information, stored in the form of trillions of interlinked web pages and web resources.

Q22. What is URL?

Ans:- Uniform Resource Locator) is a unique address or path for each resource located on the web.

Q23. What are Domain names or hostnames?

Ans:- Each computer server hosting a website or web resource is given a name against its IP address. These names are called the Domain names or

Q24. Differentiate between wired and wireless access. Give one example for each type.

Ans:- wired access means physical cable setup to transfer the data.
wired access examples-LAN between devices or Cable (LAN) TV connection.
wireless access means sending or receiving data in electromagnetic waves or infrared waves.
wireless devices examples-cellular mobile, wireless sensors, TV remote.

Q25. What do you understand by ISP with respect to web applications? Name any two
connection type that home users use.

Ans:- Internet Service Provider(ISP) with respect to web applications means the internet provider that
helps to access websites using broadband or wireless.

Q 26. Write any 3 Internet Service Provider(ISP) examples.

Q27. How Entry Required and Default Value properties of a table field in a database are
different from each other?

Ans:- During the input records in the database, the Entry Required field checks whether the data is given or not. The Default Value properties of a table field are used to set a predefined value to the field if no input is given for that. Entry Required field is implemented using NOT NULL and Default Value properties of a table field to sets using DEFAULT.

Q.28. What is Referential Integrity? Explain its two(any) purposes.

Ans:- Referential Integrity means maintaining the accuracy and consistency of data in a relationship between tables.

  • Referential Integrity helps to maintain the consistency between tables.
  • The second table(s) inputs totally depend on
    main table inputs.

    Q 29. Identify the columns and data types of a table: Airlines. Mention at least four columns
    with datatype.
    Ans: – Table: – Airlines

    No_of_PassengersINT (10)

    Q30. Rahul and Amit are working on a school project assigned to them by their teacher. They
    have to send instant messages to each other and also do video conferencing after
    school hours in order to complete the project on time.
    a. Suggest any 4 good instant messaging software that they can use.
    b. Apart from computers, list 4 hardware that Rahul and Amit need for videoconferencing.

    Ans: –

    a) WhatsApp, Telegram, Wechat, and Slack
    b) Microphone, Speaker, Camera / Webcam and Writing pad

Q31. Rahul has purchased some stationary items from an online site. He has to make an online
payments for the items to complete the transaction. Help by answering his following
1. Suggest any two options that he can use to make payment of his bill on the online
shopping website.
2. Name any 2 situations where online shopping could be useful.
3. Name any 2 popular online transaction websites.
4. Write full form of COD in reference to online shopping.

Ans:– 1. credit, debit card, or using UPI
2. (i) A customer does not have sufficient time to visit stores.
(ii) Visiting a store is more expensive than purchasing a product online.
4. Cash On Delivery

Q32. What is UPI?
Ans:- Unified Payments Interface.

Q33. What is the full form of DBMS and RDBMS?

Ans:- Database Management System and Relational Database Management System.

Q34. Define Internet. Mention its advantages.

Ans:- Internet means a network of networks.
Advantages of the internet:
1. Resource sharing: – Any kind of resources like text, image, audio or video are easy to share on the internet. Sharing reduces the cost and time for us.
2. Security:- The Internet has security and the security is maintained via Authorization.
Authorization uses user id and password before access of any resources.

Q35. What are 4 types of network?

Ans:- A computer network is mainly of four types:

1. LAN(Local Area Network)
2. PAN(Personal Area Network)
3. MAN(Metropolitan Area Network)
4. WAN(Wide Area Network)

Q36. What are Data Definition Language (DDL) and Data Manipulation Language (DML)?
Give one example of each.

Ans:- Data Definition Language (DDL) means the command that use to create, modify, delete, and drop a table structure.
Data Manipulation Language (DML) means the command that use to create, modify, and delete a table’s data/record (s).

Q37. Write the example of the Toggle keys.

    • 1. Caps Lock,
    • Num Lock,


  • Scroll Lock.

    Q 38. State the characteristic of Entrepreneurship (Any two)
    Ans: 1. Product or service knowledge:- Entrepreneurs should know what products or services they are dealing with. It is very important to know about the products to manage the market risk.
    2. Passion: Entrepreneurs are always enjoyed what they are doing. they stay highly motivated with passion. Passion acts as a driving force towards success.


Q 39. Mention the main principles of sustainable development.
Ans:- The main principles of sustainable development are
1. Respect and care for all forms of life.
2. Improving the quality of human life.
3. Changing personal attitude and practices towards the environment.
4. Enabling communities to care for their own environment.


Q 40. UN Sustainable Development Submit 2015 set up development goals called as ____________
Ans:– Agenda 2030


 Q41. Sustainable development requires judicious use of ____________

Ans: natural resources .


Q 42. Write the myths about entrepreneurship.
Ans: –

    • 1. It is easy to start a business.
    • 2. A startup cannot borrow from banks.
    • 3. Most startups are successful.


    • 4. Lots of money is needed to start a new business.

      Q 43. Write the Advantages of Entrepreneurship as a career option.


        • 1. Independence
        • 2. Ambition- Fulfilment
        • 3. Excitement
        • 4. Freedom
        • 5. Wealth Creation


      • 6. Status.


Q 44. Write the Disadvantages of Entrepreneurship as a career option.

    • 1. Risk
    • 2. Hard work
    • 3. Uncertain Income
    • 4. Problem of finance.


  • 5. Incompetent Staff.

Q 45. What is sustainable development?

Ans: Sustainable development is the way to reach development without causing a harm or damage to the environment.

Q 46. What are the dimensions of sustainable development?


1. Ecological
2. Economical


3. Social.

Q 47. What is Foreign Key?

Ans:-  Foreign Key is a non-key attribute that is linked with a primary key of another table.


Q 48. What is the Primary key? What are the features of the Primary key?

Ans: Primary key accepts unique values for the field(s) that uniquely identify each record of a table.

1. There is only one primary key in a table.
2. Primary key does not support NULL.
3. Primary key takes unique values.

Q 49. Write the long-term solutions related to sustainable development.

Ans: Long term solutions related to sustainable development are:
(i) governments must make laws and policies aimed at safeguarding the environment and ecology.
(ii) awareness and responsibility campaigns.
(iii) implementation of goals set by Agenda 30.
(iv) a system of taxes and fines to limit damage to ecology.
(v) adopting sustainable agriculture.

Q 50. Write the short-term solutions related to sustainable development.

Ans: Short-term solutions related to sustainable development are:
(i) stopping deforestation and placing more emphasis on afforestation and regeneration of forest cover.
(ii) proper waste management and waste disposal.
(iii) controlling all kinds of pollution.

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