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The Best Fundamentals Computer Science(083) Viva Questions Answers


The Best Fundamentals Computer Science(083) Viva Questions Answers

Viva Questions and Answers 2023 for Computer Science (083)

Rules for conducting the CBSE Computer Science (083) practical 2023.

Unit 1 :- Lab Test

  • Python program (60% logic + 20% documentation +
    20% code quality)
  • A stub program with Python SQL connectivity must
    be provided with blanks (4 blanks) to be filled by the
    student with the desired SQL query.

Unit 2 :- Report file

  • Minimum 15 Python programs.
  • SQL Queries – Minimum 5 sets using one table /two tables.
  • Minimum 4 programs based on Python – SQL connectivity.

Unit 3 :- Project (using concepts learnt in Classes 11 and 12)

Unit 4 :- Viva voce

This post is prepared with the help of Viva questions’ answers. It has been written in such a way that it gives you a real confidence boost to face any exam, as well as gives you the knowledge about the concepts that are being taught in class. It contains a clear description of Computer Science viva’s all topics and questions with their detailed explanations, solved examples, ready-to-use exam-type questions. As the subject contains the topic Python, the Python related basic questions also asked in Computer science viva of CBSE class 12 board practical. Python is a powerful, flexible and versatile programming language. It’s easy to use, but hard to master. Python can be tedious to write programs, but it allows for great flexibility in the final product. Beginners should start with basic questions answers on python basic questions answers are used for designing applications.

How to prepare for viva of computer science class 12

Preparing for a viva in computer science involves a combination of theoretical knowledge, practical skills, and confidence. Here are some tips to help you prepare for a viva in computer science:

  • Review your notes: Go through your class notes, textbooks, and any other study material that you have. Make sure you understand the concepts, definitions, and examples covered in each topic.
  • Practice coding: Practicing coding exercises and solving problems will help you gain practical skills and develop problem-solving abilities. You can also practice by creating your own programs and testing them.
  • Attend mock viva sessions: Mock viva sessions will help you gain confidence and prepare for the actual viva. You can ask your teacher or classmates to conduct a mock viva session, or you can practice with online resources.
  • Stay updated with current trends: Keep yourself updated with current trends and developments in the field of computer science. Read relevant blogs, articles, and news to stay informed.
  • Stay calm and confident: During the viva, stay calm and confident. Listen to the question carefully, and answer it to the best of your knowledge. If you don’t know the answer, be honest and say that you don’t know. Don’t panic, and take your time to answer the questions.
  • Practice good communication skills: Good communication skills are important during a viva. Speak clearly and confidently, and use appropriate terminology. If you are unsure of a term or definition, ask the examiner for clarification.
  • Stay organized: Make sure you have all the necessary materials, such as notes, textbooks, and a pen or pencil, organized and easily accessible during the viva.

By following these tips, you can prepare well for a viva in computer science and increase your chances of performing well.

Important Computer Science Class 12 Viva Voce Questions


1. What is variable?

A temporary memory location is called variable. 

Example : x=10 name=’Python’

Above x and name are variables.

2. What are data-types? Give examples.
Data-types means classification of data items.
Examples of built-in-core data types are
a) Number
Floating point numbers
Complex number
b) String- sequence of characters.
c) Lists– Comma separated values of any data type within square brackets. Lists are mutable.
Examples : L1=[11,22,45,77]
L2= [11,’ Raj Kamal’,25]

d) Tuple- Comma separated values of any data type within parentheses. Tuples are immutable.
T1=(11 , 223,35,59)
e) Dictionary- It is an unordered set of comma-separated pairs of keys:values within curly brackets.
V={‘Ashmita’:55, ‘Tarun’:59}

3.Difference between list and tuple.

Comma separated values of any data type within square brackets.Comma separated values of any data type within parentheses.
List is mutable.Tuple is immutable.

L2= [11,’ Raj Kamal’,25]

Example T3=(‘Karan’,87,’OBC’,36.1)

4.Difference between list and dictionary.

It is ordered.It is unordered.
Comma separated values of any data type within square brackets.Set of comma-separated pairs of keys:values within  curly brackets.
Allows duplicate members.Does not allow duplicate keys

5.How to find the memory location of a variable?




6. What are Operators in Python?

Operators are the symbols that trigger the operation on data.

a) Arithmetic Operators :
+ Addition ,
– Subtraction ,
* Multiplication
% Remainder
/ Division
// Floor division
** Exponentiation

b) Unary Operators :
Example : if b=5 then +a means 5.
if a=0 then +a means 0.
if a=-4 then +a means -4
c) Augmented Assignment Operators :
d) Relational Operators :
< less than
> greater than
<= less than equal or equal to
>= greater than equal or equal to
== Equal to
!= not equal to
e) Identity operators : These operators are is and is not.
x is y
f) Logical operators :   i) or ii) and , iii) not

7. What is a package in Python?

Packages are a collection of related modules that aim to achieve a common goal.      You can import modules from packages using the dot (.) operator. 

Example: import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

8. What is a library in Python?

Python library contains a collection of related modules and packages.

Example:  import math

9. What is a Python module?

A module is a collection of code or functions that uses the .py extension.

10. What are identifiers?

Identifiers are fundamental building blocks of a Python program.

11. What is a loop in Python?

A loop is an instruction that executes a statement until a specific condition is reached. 

Types of loops: a) for loop and b) while loop

12. Difference between for loop and while loop in Python.

For loopWhile loop
Initialization, condition checking, and iteration statements are written at the topOnly initialization and condition checking is written at the top
The for loop is faster than the while loop.The while loop is slower than the for loop.

13. What is RDBMS? Give examples.

RDBMS means Relational Database Management System which is used to maintain a relational database. Example: MySQL, MS-SQL, Oracle and Microsoft Access.

14. Full form of SQL

Structured Query Language

15. What are the types of SQL commands?

DML(Data Manipulation Language)

DDL(Data Definition Language)

TCL(Transactions Control Language)

16. Examples of DML(Data Manipulation Language)


17. Examples of DDL (Data Definition Language).

CREATE: This command is used to create the database or its objects (like table, index, function, views, store procedure, and triggers).

DROP: This command is used to delete objects from the database.

ALTER: This is used to alter the structure of the database.

18. Examples of TCL(Transactions Control Language)


19.What are constraints?

Constraints are the rules added in a table or relation to validate the data in attribute(s) or set a value for an attribute.

20. What are Candidate keys?

The nominees of Primary key are known as Candidate keys.

21. What is the Primary key?

It is a candidate key which accepts a unique value to identify uniquely  each row of a table/ relation.

22. What is Foreign key?

A foreign key is a non-key attribute which is related to the Primary key of another table.

23. What is the unique constraint?

It is similar to the Primary key which accepts a unique value for each tuple/row/record. It supports null value and can be used more than one time in a table.

24. In RDBMS a table is known as _____________ .

Table  is known as relation.

25. What is the degree of a table?

Total number of columns of a table is called degree.

26. Difference between Primary key and Unique constraint.

Primary keyUnique
Primary  key is only one in a table. Unique constraints may be more than one in a table.
Does not accept NULL value.It accepts NULL value.

27. What is the cardinality of a table?

The total number of rows of a table is known as cardinality.

28. Find the degree and cardinality for the given book table.




29.What is the use of DEFAULT constraint?

The DEFAULT constraint used to set a default value to an attribute.





30.Difference between DELETE and DROP commands

It is a DML command.It is a DDL command.
It is used to delete the data / records of a table.It is used to delete the table data and structure.

31. Difference between ALTER and UPDATE commands

It is a DDL command.It is a DML command.
It is used to structure tables like add column / remove column.It is used to update / modify the data of tables.


These are just a few sample viva questions that you can expect for CBSE Class 12 Computer Science. It is important to thoroughly understand the concepts and topics covered in the syllabus to answer such questions confidently. In addition you may check the following:-

  • What is Python, and what are its advantages over other programming languages?
  • Explain the difference between a variable and a constant in Python.
  • What is the difference between a list and a tuple in Python?
  • What is object-oriented programming, and how does it relate to Python?
  • What is recursion in Python, and when is it useful?
  • What is file handling, and what are the different modes used in Python for file handling?
  • What is database connectivity, and how can we use Python to connect to a database?
  • Explain the concept of inheritance and how it works in Python.
  • How can we handle errors and exceptions in Python?
  • What is the difference between a local variable and a global variable in Python?
  • How can we handle input/output operations in Python, such as reading from or writing to a file?
  • What is regular expression, and how can we use it in Python?

Reference Links

CBSE Computer Science Questions Answers

Class 12 MYSQL / RDBMS Questions Answers

Class 12 Python MCQ

CBSE Computer Science Syllabus

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