Informatics Practices Viva Questions Class 12, CBSE Class 12 IP
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Informatics Practices Viva Questions| CBSE Class 12 IP Viva: Are you looking for most common questions those are asked in practical exam of subject CBSE IP (Informatics Practices 065)?

The Informatics Practices Viva Questions for Class 12 hold significance in evaluating students’ grasp of practical applications in Informatics Practices.

Students can go beyond theoretical knowledge, assessing critical thinking and problem-solving abilities vital for real-world situations.

Ultimately, mastering these viva questions equips students with the practical skills essential for success in the IP Practical exam.

Informatics Practices Viva Questions Class 12
Informatics Practices Viva Questions Class 12

Informatics Practices Viva Questions Class 12

CBSE Class 12 IP: We have listed all the important IP questions for CBSE Practical or AISSCE Practical exam.

These questions ensures that you do your IP viva exam correctly without any hassle.

Because, we know that Viva is the crucial part in IP practical examimation.

We also know that you cannot be get ready by reading the Informatics Practices (065) book of Sumit Arora’s which has more than 575 pages.

Also read Python Series MCQ For Class 12 IP

What Are The Key Points Covered By CBSE Class 12 IP Practical Viva

Ok, The following Suggested practical and related to the topic theory notes are important for you, if you want to get 100% marks in VIVA of IP (065).

Data Handling | Python Class 12 IP

  • Create a panda’s series from a dictionary of values and a ndarray
  • Given a Series, print all the elements that are above the 75th percentile.
  • Create a Data Frame quarterly sales where each row contains the item category, item name, and expenditure. Group the rows by the category and print the total expenditure per category.
  • Create a data frame for examination result and display row labels, column labels data types of each column and the dimensions.
  • Filter out rows based on different criteria such as duplicate rows.
  • Importing and exporting data between pandas and CSV file.

Visualization Python | Class 12 IP

  • Given the school result data, analyses the performance of the students on different parameters, e.g subject wise or class wise.
  • For the Data frames created above, analyze, and plot appropriate charts with title and legend.
  • Take data of your interest from an open source (e.g., aggregate and summarize it. Then plot it using different plotting functions of the Matplotlib library.

Visualization Python | Class 12 IP

  1. Create a student table with the student id, name, and marks as attributes where the student id is the primary key.
  2. Insert the details of a new student in the above table.
  3. Delete the details of a student in the above table.
  4. Use the select command to get the details of the students with marks more than 80.
  5. Find the min, max, sum, and average of the marks in a student marks table.
  6. Find the total number of customers from each country in the table (customer ID, customer Name, country) using group by.
  7. Write a SQL query to order the (student ID, marks) table in descending order of the marks.

Since, the list is vast, so you can study the questions and answers that we have shared at the end of this page.

The above details of CBSE IP Practical exam is given in this link in pdf format

Download IP 065 Pdf

Informatics Practices Viva Important Questions And Answers

Informatics Practices (065) Important Q/A: Viva is an important part of CBSE Practical exam.

Your subject knowledge is reflected in Viva during practical exam.

You can also prepare for Viva by reading IP book but it will take time.

The best solution is to take guidance which is available online.

For guidance on any subject related to CBSE, you can enter our website view our website

If you really pay attention to the IP subject, you will know. There are two important parts in the subject.

The first one comes with Python programming and the second one comes with RDBMS (MySQL).

We have briefly listed above all the details of what you will have to program in Python programming for Informatics Practices (065).

One thing you should note is that after doing all the above Python programs, you will get help in theory exam along with practical exam.

In CBSE IP Practical, there is a question from Python which carries total marks 8.

Your second question comes from RDBMS. This question carries total marks 7.

CBSE has simplified the practical marks by giving you 5 marks in practical project and 5 marks in practical copy.

Now, the CBSE has kept only 5 marks for Viva and this will be taken by external examiner.

Download Informatics Practices Viva Questions And Answers

Which language translator is used by python?

Ans: Interpreter

What are the built-in types available in python?

Ans: Numbers, Strings, Lists, Tuples, Dictionaries

How python interpreter interprets the code?

Ans: Python interpreter interprets the code line by line.

Name a few immutable data types of python.

Ans: Strings, Tuples, Numeric

What is the significance of a pass statement in python?

Ans: Pass is no operation python statement. Python uses this where syntax is required, but logic demands no actions.

What is slicing in python?

Ans: Python slicing is a statement of python that extracts a list of elements
from the given sequence in the range of start and stop values with step
value intervals.

What are comments in python?

Ans: In Python programs, developers write nonexecutable text known as comments to provide descriptions for statements or groups of statements.

How to print list l in reverse order in a single line statement?

Ans: print(l[::-1])

Can Python convert a string into an integer or float?

Ans: You can convert a string containing only numbers into an integer or float using the int() and float() functions.

Also read CBSE IP Sample Paper Class 12

What is the difference between / and //?


  • / is used for division, // is used for floor division
  • / returns float as answer whereas // returns integer as answer
  • / gives you the number with decimal places whereas // gives you only integer part

How to check the variables stored in same object in python?

Ans: The id() function returns the memory address of python object.

What are the parameters of print() function? Explain.


The print function has three parameters:
  1. message – Contains the message to be printed
  2. sep – It is onptional parameter used to print a separator
  3. end – It prints the endline character

What is the significance of ‘else’ in loops in python?

Ans: Else block will run when the condition is wrong or not satisfied.

In Python, it executes when the while loop’s condition is false.

whereas in the for loop, it executes when the loop ends normally.

Divya is learning python. She wants to know the version of python using python programming statements. Please help her to accomplish her task.

Ans: import sys


How to remove the last element from a list?

Ans: To remove the last element from a list following ways can be used:
i. l.pop()
ii. del l[-1]

Also read CBSE Computer Science Viva Questions And Answers

What is the difference between append() and extend() methods?

Ans: The method append() adds an element to the end of the list.

We use extend() to add multiple elements to the list.

What is tuple unpacking?

Ans: Tuple unpacking involves extracting tuple values into individual variables.

What is a function?

Ans: A function is a subprogram and a smaller unit of a python program consists of a set of instructions and returns a value.

What are modules in python?


  1. A large program is divided into modules.
  2. A module is a set of small coding instructions written in a programming language.
  3. These modules create a library.
  4. A python module is a .py that contains statements, classes, objects, functions, and variables.
  5. That allows reusing them anytime by importing the module.
  6. The structure of the python module plays an important role in python library functions.

Write some examples of libraries in python


  1. Numpy Library
  2. Matplotlib
  3. SciPy

RDBMS | Informatics Practices Viva Important Questions And Answers

What is database?

Ans: Database is a collection of interrelated data.

What is data redundancy?

Ans: Data redundancy arises when the same data piece is stored in two or more separate places, either by accident or intentionally.

What is Primary Key?

Ans: A primary key, also called a primary keyword, is a key in a relational database that is
unique for each record. It is a unique identifier.

What is Candidate Key?

A Candidate Key is a set of attributes that uniquely identify tuples in a table that can
serve as primary key also.

Give example of any two DML commands.

Ans: Insert, Delete

What is the use of “like” in SQL?

Ans: The “Like” operator is use to match a particular pattern in a particular column in SQL.

Also read Know DataFrame Class 12 IP

What is the difference between cardinality and degree?

Degree – The number of attributes or columns in a relation means the Degree of the relation.

Cardinality – The number of tuples/ rows in a relation is called the Cardinality of the relation.

Differentiate between WHERE and HAVING clause

The WHERE clause is used to select particular rows that satisfy a condition, while the HAVING clause is used in connection with the GROUP BY clause and aggregate function.

Differentiate between DDL and DML with one Example each.

Ans: DDL (Data Definition Language) comprises commands used to modify the metadata of a table, such as CREATE, ALTER, or DROP table.

DML (Data Manipulation Language) consists of commands used to modify the data of a table, such as INSERT, UPDATE, or DELETE .

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